
30 Nov

Happy New Year! The First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of the new church year.
The theme for the first week of Advent is HOPE.

We’d like to encourage you to do an Advent Prayer Calendar this year.
As you wake each day this Advent, ask God to focus your mind on a particular person
for whom you will pray. You might want to put a reminder on your phone throughout
the day. Each time the reminder comes up intentionally hold that person in prayer.

Some time during the day send them a message to tell them that as part of your
Advent practice you have been praying for them today.
It could be as simple as a text message or email.
Or, if you want to get really fancy, you could write them a card.
Here’s one you can use Advent daily prayer card (simply print, cut and fold).

Why not get creative and make your own Advent Calendar and write the name of
the person you have prayed for on each day? Or you could make this a household project.

Let this Advent be intentional.