
15 Dec

The theme for the third week of Advent is JOY.

Listen here to Sharon’s Christmas Prayer written by John Shea.

What is your response to this poem?

How are you finding the practice of the Advent Prayer Calendar? Is it bringing you or others joy?



16 Dec

The theme for this week in Advent is JOY.

F. B. Meyer once said,

“Joy is peace dancing.
Peace is joy at rest.”

Some time today, put on your favourite piece of music and dance as if no one is watching.

Experience the joy that comes when you move freely to music you love. Can you feel the relationship between joy and peace?



17 Dec

The Bible Project have produced this short video explaining the biblical understanding of Joy. It’s more than happy mood, but rather a choice to trust that God will fulfil his promises.



18 Dec

Joy is a spiritual practice. It requires our attention.
Today, look closely at the beauty that surrounds you. Take a deep breath and enjoy it.
Close your eyes and listen to the birdsong around you.

If you go on a bus, or to a shop or café, smile and express your thanks to those who serve you (who are likely to be pretty stressed at this time of the year!)
Toast the moments of happiness you notice throughout the day.



19 Dec

Frederick Beuchner wrote,

Joy is a mystery because it can happen anywhere, anytime,
even under the most unpromising circumstances,
even in the midst of suffering, with tears in its eyes….

Reflect on this quote today as you pay attention to the nuances of joy.



20 Dec

This picture is taken at Hohi Bay in the Bay of Islands, the place where
– thanks to the hospitality of Ruatara –
Samuel Marsden preached the first sermon on Christmas Day 1814.

The Christmas Carol, Te Harinui refers to that event.
So too does Malcolm Gordon’s joyful song
Beneath the Southern Cross.



21 Dec

Joy is about ‘savouring’ – which means to relish, enjoy, appreciate, value and delight in! Allow yourself to savour today.

Give yourself some silence.
Attend to one thing at a time.
When you are in conversation with someone don’t be distracted by technology.
Chew slowly and taste your food.